This is an ongoing programme. Experienced parents of children with down syndrome listen to the distressed mothers of newly born children with DS. Two parents are following the DS awareness certificate course of APDSF. These two parents are also joining the existing team. But our professional counsellors are available for further clinical counselling.
JRCFDS was established in 1995, since then we have been getting calls from parents of newly born children. Many are eager to entrust such children to the care of some disability homes. But as far as I know there are no such places to accommodate very small babies with Down Syndrome. Some parents were really depressed as the child with Down Syndrome may affect the other children’s education.
Our listeners encourage them to open up and share their issues. For many years I and my wife Sunethra have been listening to the grievances and fears of such parents having babies with Down Syndrome. But we have shared our experiences with them and finally motivated them to accept the child with Down Syndrome. Now we have 6 parents in the team. Our professional Counsellors give training for the listeners. They work on a voluntary basis as this service is free.
We invite capable parents to join with us to be Listeners.
How to contact us

1. Contact on the following mobile numbers.
A) Sri Lankan – 0777374588 Gamini
B) Other Countries – On WhatsApp +94 777374588 / +94 7726791302.

2. E.mail –

3. Contact us by completing the form below.
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